Martin Engineering Projects: Civil Site Design | Land Surveying |

Okaw Farmers Co-op

Client Name: Okaw Farmers Co-op
Location: East Central Illinois
Date Completed: 2019

Land Surveying: ALTA Survey

The Okaw Farmers Co-Op is located in East Central Illinois in Douglas and Moultrie Counties. In 2019, Martin Engineering was approached about providing ALTA surveys for each of their properties in Arcola, Arthur, Cadwell, Chesterville, Chipps, and Lovington for an acquisition by South Central FS, Inc. These properties were occupied by grain elevators.

The schedule was daunting. Because of the scheduled closing for the acquisition, the 7 surveys needed to be completed in 6 weeks. MEC kicked into overtime in the field and in the office and solicited the services of another surveying firm for assistance on three of the projects. From the standpoint of the Co-Op, they didn’t care how we got to the closing, they just wanted it done, and we did too. Under the leadership of Jeremy Smith, our Survey Department Manager, we hit all of the targeted dates and the closing for the acquisition took place on schedule.

MEC performs many ALTA surveys every year. ALTA surveys provide valuable information to purchasers of property, especially commercial property. Information such as encroachments on the property, location of structures/signs, trees, elevation contours, encumbrances such as easements, etc. are all provided on an ALTA Survey. 

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